College Bound BINGO

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College Bound BINGOBINGOWants tomajor inEducationParticipatesin a sportsteamWants toattendschool in asmall cityWants tomajor inmath or thesciencesWants tobe activeoncampusIs a10thgraderHas aleadershiprole in anextracurricularWants tomajor inhistory orpsychologyHassiblings incollegeIs active ina church,temple, ormosqueDoesvolunteerworkWants toattend asmallcollegeFree!Wants tomajor inSocialWorkWants toattend acommunitycollegeHas aparttime jobWants toattend aschool in anurban settingWants toattend alargeuniversityPlays aninstrumentSpeaksmore than2languagesWants tomajor inEnglish orjournalismIs a10thgraderWants tomajor inthe medicalfieldHas beenon thehighhonor rollWould liketo go outof statefor college