Holzapfel Reunion

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Bingo Card Generator by BingoBaker
Holzapfel ReunionBINGOused todelivernewspaperswho hasmet acelebrityspeaksmore thanonelanguageis overthe ageof 70has a recipepassed downfrom a familymemberwas borninDecembercan play amusicalinstrumentnevergotten aspeedingticketwasborn inJunewho wasborn inthe 1960’slikesspeakingto a crowdlives inthe samecity theygrew up inFree!has theirownbusinesshashadstitcheswasborn inOctoberTraveledoutside thecountry atleast 5 timesis anonlychildwho hasmore thanthreesiblingswho usedtobreakdancein the 70’swho hasbroughta guestwho hasserved inthemilitarywasborn inMaywhohas atoddlerIs overthe ageof 50