Human Science Vocab

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Human Science VocabBINGOan experiment developedin 1970 by psychologistGordon Gallup Jr. todetermine whether ananimal possesses theability to recognize itselfin a mirror.[1] It is theprimary indicator of self-consciousness.The study of humanbehavior with a viewtowards developinglaws. This can includevarious subjectsincluding anthropology,economics, andpsychology.think,understand,and formjudgments by aprocess oflogic.the main aim of thehuman sciences is tounderstand themeaning of varioussocial practices fromthe inside as they areunderstood by theagents themselves.assuming onething happensbecause ofanother justbecause it followsit in time.Bernoulli's law, law oflarge numbers((statistics) law statingthat a large number ofitems taken at randomfrom a population will(on the average) havethe populationstatistics)a tendency tosearch forinformation thatconfirms one'spreconceptionsthe method of humancommunication, eitherspoken or written,consisting of the useof words in astructured andconventional way.becoming a fullparticipant in aculture; losingyourperspective asa researcherthought regarded as asuccession of ideasandimages constantly movingforward in time. In which acharacter’s thoughts orperceptions are presented asoccurring in random form,without regard for logicalsequences, syntacticstructure, or distincA market inwhich shareprices arerising,encouragingbuying.the view thatpsychology shouldbe an objectivescience that studiesbehavior withoutreference to mentalprocessesFREE!An economic conceptdeveloped by A. W. Phillipsstating that inflation andunemployment have a stableand inverse relationship.According to the Phillipscurve, the lower an economy'srate of unemployment, themore rapidly wages paid tolabor incthe use of theimagination ororiginal ideas,esp. in theproduction ofan artistic work.A market inwhich shareprices arerising,encouragingbuying.the power ofacting without theconstraint ofnecessity or fate;the ability to act atone's owndiscretion.a question thatis biasedbecause itcontains a built-in assumptionprejudice in favor ofor against one thing,person, or groupcompared withanother, usually in away considered tobe unfairoversimplificationbased on onespecific example,when someone triesto make somethingsimple and ends upover generalizingthe argumentwhether humandevelopment isbased onenvironmental orgenetic factorstendency ofpeople or animalsto behavedifferently fromnormal when theyknow they arebeing observeda motivationalreaction to offers,persons, rules, orregulations thatthreaten or eliminatespecific behavioralfreedoms.a theory that allcomplex systems canbe completelyunderstood in terms oftheir components. Mostexperiments arereductionist as thefocus on one small partof the wholethe theory that theparts of any wholecannot exist andcannot beunderstood except intheir relation to thewhole