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Find someone who...BINGOHiked 20+miles in adayPlayed aninstrumentHas afaketoothShook thehand of aUSPresidentHas hada brokenboneLefthandedHas runmultiplemarathonsWent toDisneylandthis yearIs thebaby oftheirfamilyWorkedatRosita'sTraveledoverseasServedin themilitaryOwneda rabbitSpeaks atleast 2languagesBeenmarried atleast 20yearsWent onRoute66 runWas acheer-leaderBungeejumpedWas aGirlScoutHashadbracesYoungerthan 10Went to aconcert inthe past 6monthsHas aGYMmember-shipHas abirthday inOctoberBorn inthe80's