Bingo Board Ice Breaker

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Bingo Card Generator by BingoBaker
Bingo Board Ice BreakerBINGOFind a personwho was inMrs. Dodge'skindergartenplay.Find aperson whodoes not livein New YorkState.Find theperson whowas in theGun Club.Find aperson whowas in theChristmasPageant.Find aperson whowas in thelibrary club.Find a personwho played onthe highschool soccerteam.Find theperson whowas alithographer inthe military.Find a personwho is (and orwas) avolunteerfirefighter.Find theperson whoretired fromthe NYS Dept.of Corrections.Find aperson whocan nameour classcolors.Find theperson whohas 10grandchildren.Find the personwho can takeyou on tours ofNew Zealandand Australia.Free!Find a personwho can namethe high schoolprincipal in1969.Find a personwho had agrandchildgraduate fromhigh school thisyear.Find a personwho can namethe buildingwhere we wentto fourth grade.Find the personwho sang inboth the Boys'Chorus and theVarsity Chorus.Find a personwho played amusicalinstrument inhigh school.Find the personwho served for19 years as theTown HighwaySuperintendentof Cincinnatus.Find a personwho had arole in one ofour highschool plays.Find aperson whowent to theCCSDCotillion.Find a personwho can singthe school AlmaMater. Makethem sing it toyou.Find a personwho has beenmarried formore than 40years.Find a personwho has greatgrandchildren.Find theperson whorecentlymoved to EastTennessee.