A Raisin in the Sun Review

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A Raisin in the Sun ReviewBINGO“…I sure dohope you knowwhat youpeople aregetting into…”Why didn’tBeneathawant tomarryGeorge?WillyHarrisTheme#3What isAsagai’snickname forBeneatha? Whyis itappropriate?AssimilationistNegroesTheme#1Mr.KarlLinderSettingof theplay“EatYourEggs!”TravisYoungerTheme#2FREE!What faultdoes Mamafind withherself?“I want tohang somepearlsaround mywife’s neck”Author ofA Raisinin the SunWho wrote thepoem thatinspired thetitle of A Raisinin the SunWhat doesMama say is“dangerous”?Mrs.JohnsonBeneathaYounger“Bennie”What didMama dowith herInsurancemoney?What doesMama’sPlantSymbolize?According toMama, whendoes Walterachieve hismanhood?Ruth had anabortion.(True/False)Why didBeneatha nolonger wantto be adoctor?