Kitchen Bingo

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Bingo Card Generator by BingoBaker
Kitchen BingoBINGOClean Walk-in Doorswith Toweland DawnRun a Rackof PansThroughDishMachineProperlyClean 3-CompSinkTestSanitizerSink WithStripsCleanExhaustHood withSpic FloorCleanerUse Sanitizeron FoodContactSurfacesUse HeavyDuty SprayCleaner onGreasySurfaceClean InsideOven withSpic andSpan APCleanCuttingBoard in 3-Comp SinkProperlyPrepare3-CompSinkClean FrontCheckRegister withSpic and SpanAPUse Spic andSpan AP toWipe DownSink andFaucetFREECleanOutsideOvenDoor/GlassUse Spic andSpan AP toClean offPortable CartUse Dawnand Water onTowel to WipeDown a SmallApplianceUse Spic andSpan AP onStainlessFridge DoorsCleanExhaustHood withSpic FloorCleanerUse DawnPowerDissolver toDetail InsideOvenUse Spicand SpanAP onServing LineUse Spic andSpan AP toDisinfectGarbage CanClean OvenSurface withHeavy DutySprayCleanerMop Floorwith Spicand SpanFloorDelime theOutside ofthe DishMachineSweepthe Floorfrom Wallto Middle