Old Mission Santa Barbara

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Old Mission Santa BarbaraBINGOHavevolunteeredat theMissionHadMissionwineBeen tola FiestaPequeñaBoughtsomethingin the SerraGift ShopAttendedHoliday SipN Stroll inDecemberExplored thenew LoneWomanExhibit at theMissionAttended aspeakerevent atthe MissionSmelledroses inthe RoseGardenBeen toDrinksat DuskWatched thesunset fromthe RoseGardenCan namemore than 3Friars thatlive at theMissionDonatedto theMissionBeen toIMadonnariTaken adocentguided tourat theMissionPicnickedon theMissionLawnAre aFriend ofthe MissionmemberHosted abirthdayparty at theRose GardenHavemet aFriarBeen inLa HuertaHistoricGardenAttendedMass at St.BarbaraParish at theMissionBrought afriend totheMissionHeard theSt. BarbaraParishChoir singGone on theself-guidedtour at theMissionVisited theSanta BárbaraMissionArchive-Library