Remote Work Bingo - Happy Hour

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Remote Work Bingo - Happy HourBINGOJoked abouthow longyour"commute" isSomeoneyounger than2 years old isspottedSomeonementions thatthey arerunning low ontoilet paper"Caneveryone seeme?"/"Whycan't we seeyou?"Someoneleaves for abathroombreakSomeonecracks a jokeabout staying 6feet away fromanother personSomeoneleaves thehappy hourwithout sayinggoodbye"Any bodyhave plansfor after4/15?"Someonecommentson the roombehind thevideo callerWorked in adifferentroom toshake thingsup"Sorry I didn'tcatch that,what did yousay?"Someonebrings upsports/howmuch theymiss sports"Whatare youdrinking?Someonementions howtheir internetconnection isso much slowerat homeSomeone isaccused ofcheating duringour happy hourgames"My kidsare drivingme nuts"Spottedsomeonetexting ontheir cellphoneSomeonebrings upa clientSomeoneoffers tomake abet"ACHOO!"Multiplepeople try totalk at thesame timeSomeone tellanother personto take ashot...and theperson does it."Is ___going to jointhe happyhour?"