"El Bingo de La Profe"

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Bingo Card Generator by BingoBaker
"El Bingo de La Profe"BINGO¿Dedóndeeres?Spell theirname inSpanish.Say 1 schoolrelated wordin Spanish.Say 3months inSpanish.List 3pronounsin Spanish.(I, he, she)Name 3colors inSpanish.Countfrom 1-5inSpanish.¿Tegustadibujar?¿Cuántosañostienes?What istoday'sdate?TranslateintoSpanish: Ilike cereal.¿Cuando estucumpleaños?Say oneverb inSpanish.Say 2 thingsyou nowknow aboutLa Profe.¿Prefieresgatos operros?Say 2adjectivesinSpanish.¿Cómo sellaman tuspadres?¿Dóndevives?¿Dóndevives?Describe 1thing about"el dia de losmuertos"¿Cuál estu nombrecompleto?TranslateintoSpanish: Ilike pizza.Say "20"inSpanish.¿Tegusta losgatos?How manykids does"la profe"have?