Human Bingo

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Bingo Card Generator by BingoBaker
Human BingoBINGOI'm inlove withcoffeeI canspeak fivelanguagesMy spousewas 20 yearsand 3 mo. oldwhen we gotmarriedI gotmarried inthe snowI havetwohamstersWhen I wasyounger, mydream wasto be adiplomatMy Favoritebooks are Lordof the Ringsand Game ofThronesI haven'tdranksoda in 18yearsI havetravelled tomore than30 countriesI've beensky divingas a workassignmentLastweekend, wedrove 21hours to myin-laws houseI playvideogamesI havefivesiblingsI have2 kidsI've beenaxethrowingI've run ahalfmarathonI lovefoodI am theshortestperson inmy familyI'm aDIY'erI havetravelledto 13countries