Zoom Bingo

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Bingo Card Generator by BingoBaker
Zoom BingoBINGOI’ve neverdone thisbeforeWho’sdog isbarking?Move thecameraoverI can’tseeyouWhat is thatnoise in thebackground?My screenjust wentblackWeshould dothis againOnly onepersoncan talk ata timeThis wassuch agood ideaClick thevideobuttonWhat areyoumaking fordinner?UnmuteyourselfCan yousee menow?We aretired ofwatchingtv Thisis funI needahaircutCan youhear menow?Free!I can’thearyouI hearfeedbackwhen youtalkHappyMother’sDay!Are youwearingpants?How istheweather?Showme yourmaskWeshouldplay agame