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Bingo Card Generator by BingoBaker
Repaso y másBINGOList 3clothingitems inSpanish.Say 1 schoolrelated wordin Spanish.Describeyourself inSpanish.Countfrom 1-5inSpanish.Give someinformationabout LaGuerraSucia,List theendings for -ir verbs inthe presentindicativeName 3colors inSpanish.Say 2adjectivesinSpanish.List 3pronounsin Spanish.(I, he, she)Say "Myname is___" inSpanish.Countfrom 1-10inSpanish.Say, "Howare you?"inSpanish.Say one-erverb inSpanish &English.TranslateintoSpanish: Ilike pizza.List theendings for -ar verbs inthe presentindicativeSay yourteacher'sname fromlast year in afull sentence.Cuantoshermanostienes?Describeyourfamily inSpanish.Describeyour dayinSpanish.Teach howto conjugatea Spanishverb.List 4SpanishSpeakingCountries.Use theword forheroe in asentence inSpanish.TranslateintoSpanish: Ilike cereal.List all 7days of theweek inSpanish.Say 3months inSpanish.