Friend Bingo

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Bingo Card Generator by BingoBaker
Friend BingoBINGO Have youever beenon anairplane?Does yournamehave an'A' in it?Do youlike scarymovies?Do youhave blueeyes?Do youlike Mac ncheese?Do youhave asister?Is yourfavoritefoodpizza?Do youlike toswim?Do youhave apet cat?Do youlike goingto thebeach?Is yourfavoritecolorblue?Do youhave acellphone?Free!Do youlike toplay videogames?Canyou iceskate?Is yourfavoritecolorgreen?Have youever beento anothercountry?Do youplay anysports?Do youlike thecoloryellow?Do like towatchsports?Do youhave apet dog?Are you aFloridaGatorfan?Haveyou beento a zoo?Do you likerollercoasters?Do youlike towatchYouTube?