Remote Work Bingo

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Bingo Card Generator by BingoBaker
Remote Work BingoBINGOThanked theIT team for alltheir work ingetting yourremote upJoked aboutneverworking inthe officeagainDrank aglass ofwater!Didsomechair yogaPajamabottoms arenow yourwork wearStretch! Have yourmeetinginterruptedby familymember/petPhoned acolleague soyou can heara humanvoiceTalked outloud toyourselfTook a walkaround yourhouse whileon conferencecallsMade areallygoodlunchDroppedout of ameetingaccidentallyFree!Can'trememberwhen youlast shavedConsidered theimplications ofdelegating yourwork to yourchildrenAccidentallystarted ameeting withvideo when noone else isusing videoThree people starttalking at the sametime in aconference call -followed by a longsilence"Toiletpaper"was saidor heardConsideredusing aKANBAN boardto manage yourkids.Forgot tobrush yourteeth thismorningSent a gifto acolleagueJoked aboutlong yourcommute isAsk "Caneveryonesee myscreen?"Chatted witha colleagueto see howthey aredoingReplied with'lol' andactuallylaughed