Social Bingo

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Social BingoBINGOhas beenwith JnJfor 20+yearsgrew up inpoland moveto the USwhen theywere 13Has met ChrisChristie, CoreyBooker, PatrickMonahan ("Train"lead singer) and"Buddy" Valastro Jr(Cake Boss)Was amember of 3churchchoirs at thesame timeCoachedyouthbasketballand footballTheir sisterpushed them off acabinet when theywere younger, andhas a scar toprove itwaschasedby a bearBrotherplaysprofessionalHockeyhas a petother thana dog,cat, or fishduring senioryear had bothsiblings incollege withhim at thesame timeDad was inthe USSecretService for23 yearsMet theirwife inAustraliaFree!hastraveled to14 differentcountriesBrother's namewas supposedto be Tom, andtheir's wassupposed to beJerryhas 3dogsSangback-upto TaylorSwift4year olddaughterparticpated intheir first schoolpageanthas neverbeenoustide thecountryPlayedbasketballwith AdamSandlerBorn onthe 4thof Julyhas thesamebirthday astheir motherHas 8siblingsIn 5th grade, gotminth breathspray bannedfrom herElemetnarySchoollast year,traveledto 12countries