In order to receive your snack, you must complete 5 spaces in a row diagonal, across, or up & down like BINGO. You can only use a person's name once, write their name in the box, Now go and... FIND SOMEONE WHO...

Click the button below to generate your own unique bingo card.

Bingo Card Generator by BingoBaker
In order to receive your snack, you must complete 5 spaces in a row diagonal,across, or up & down like BINGO. You can only use a person's name once, writetheir name in the box, Now go and... FIND SOMEONE WHO... ...has theirearspierced....owns atrampoline....who hasa fruit ofthe Spirit....hastwobrothers....doesn''venever metbeforetoday....was bornthe samemonth asyou....hasvisitedanothercountry....likeswatchingSpongeBob.FREE!...lovesto ridehorses....lovesbacon....iswearingcolourfulsocks....can sing asong fromthe movieFrozen....hasblueeyes...has beentoDisneyland...has hada tallerthan lefthanded....hasmore than1 pet.