Past Tense Questions

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Past Tense QuestionsBINGOWherewere youwalking?Was it coldyesterday?What wasyour 1stgradeteacher'sname?Could youread whenyou were 3years old?Was hein thepark?Was shehappyyesterday?When didthe classstart?Were welate toclassyesterday?Whatwere yourfavoritetoys?Where didyou studyyesterday?Whostudied atthe libraryyesterday?Wheredid youeat?FREE!Wherewere yourfriendsyesterday?Why wereyouangry?Did youstudy forthe class?Who didhe go toCaliforniawith?Who wereyoutalking to?Did youstudy hardin highschool?What didyou watchon TVyesterday?Why didhe talkto you?Was sheyourteacher lastsession?When washe at theparty?Wherewas yourfatherborn?Whatwere youdoing athome?