College Bound Bingo

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College Bound BingoBINGOFirst one inthe familyto attendcollegeWould liketo attendcollege outof stateWants toplay tobecome adoctorWants tomajorin math orthesciencesIs takingmore thanone A.P.classHas beenon a collegevisit the lastyearWants toattend alargecollegeHas a 3.5GPA oraboveWants toattend asmallcollegeWants tomajor inEngineeringDoesVolunteerWorkHas beenon thehonor rollat schoolFREE!Wants tomajorin English orjournalismHas attendedmore thanonehigh schoolPlays amusicalinstrumentSpeaksmore thanonelanguageHas asibling incollegeHas aleadershiprole inhis/herhigh schoolWas bornin a countrybesides theU.S.Plays ona sportsteamWants tomajor inbusinessEnjoysTravelingWants toplay asport incollegePlans to stayin Californiato attendcollege