Assassin's Creed: Valhalla Plot Predictions

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Assassin's Creed: Valhalla PlotPredictionsEIVOREivor escortssome talkativetravelers toCanterbury ina side questThere's anIsu artifactunderStonehengeEivor sacksLondon andburns thebridgePicts havekilts & facepaint likeBraveheartThe matter ofSaxon slaves &Viking thralls isentirelysidesteppedThe Lindisfarneraid was byTemplar-aligned VikingsAlfred is onlythepenultimateTemplarvillainEivor sacksa (Templaraligned)monasteryTheHeptarchyis led byTemplarsTemplarbrutes will beVarangiansreturning fromByzantiumThe NorseGods wereactuallyIsuEivor killsEdumndIronsideEivor suffersa tragic lossin the firsthour of thestoryExcaliburwas aSword ofEdenEivorwitnessesÆlla ofNorthumbria'sblood eagleBeowulf waskilled by Wiglaf(a Templar),who made upthe dragon taleEivor fightsin the Battleof StrangfordLoughThere's a coolset of Romanarmor hiddenunderHadrian's wallBoth the Vikingsand Saxons havecomplex, nuancedmotives and aren'tsolely good/bad orAssassin/TemplarMjolnir is Isutech and youcan wield itafter beatingthe storyChristianizationis the Templars'cover to lookfor Isu artifactsRagnarok isan Isusuperweaponor end-timescontingencyEivor killsone ofRagnarLothbrok'ssonsWhen Eivorsees Odin,it's ahologramlike AletheiaValhalla isthe nameof an IsuVault