Untitled Bingo

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Bingo Card Generator by BingoBaker
Untitled BingoBINGOThis wasturnedinto wineI am the sonwhoreplaced mybrother AbelBebornagainJesus raisedme from thedead afterfour daysSisterswho werefriends ofJesusJosephhid hissilver cupin my bagI was thecreaturewho temptedEveI betrayedJesus forthirty piecesof silverI almostsacrificedmy sonIsaacI builtthe arkI was thestrongestman in thebibleI was soldby mybrothersinto slaveryFree!I survivedthe lion'sdenI heardGod's voicein a burningbushI toredown thewalls ofJerichoJesushealed myeyes thiswayI was thefirst Kingof IsraelIn yourheartI walkedon waterwith JesusI wrestledwith anAngel allnightI AMTheMessiahI am animportantAngelI namedall of theanimalsI was thevoice cryingin thewilderness