Camp Peniel

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Camp PenielSINGOLord oftheDanceABOVEALLLord I LiftYourName onHighJesusIs theRockGlad toHave aFriend likeYouAmazingLoveShineJesusShineAwesomeGodHere IAmLordThis Is MyFathersWorldI CouldSing OfYour LoveForeverGraceGreaterThan OurSinHeart ofWorshipI Am a CH R I S TI A NPharaohPharaohSwingLowBigHouseChangeMy HeartO GodThere IsPower inthe BloodDownin myHeartI’ve BeenRedeemedI’ve GotPeace likea RiverShoutTo theLord10,000Reasons(Bless theLord)