Rising Organizer Bingo

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Bingo Card Generator by BingoBaker
Rising Organizer BingoBINGOAsk yournetworkwhat issuesare prioritiesto themAttend avirtualpostcardwriting party!Attend anECR megaphone bankeventShare theECR slateon socialmediaMake follow-upcalls to yourgroup ofvotersDeliverliterature to59householdsWritepostcard# 1 to yourgroup ofvotersAsk 5 peopleto join youas a RisingOrganizerWritepostcard#2 to yourgroup ofvotersAttend anECRcommunityeventCheckyour voterregistrationShare anECR eventyou attendon socialmedia Let ECRknow how itcan improvethis programMessageyour group ofvoters aboutthe vote bymail deadlineDelivernotecardsto felloworganizersLet us knowabout anidea you havefor how we canbetter connectwith votersWrite 100postcardsAsk 10 peopleyou know tocheck theirvoterregistrationPhonebank forRicki RuizAttend anActivatingYourNetwork 101Share theECR slatewith 10peopleAsk 5 peopletojoin youon theReach appPhonebank forZachHudsonVote forECR'sendorsedcandidates