By default, BingoBaker will search the title, and words/clues for anything matching your query. Searches are case insensitive. But BingoBaker also has some advanced search operators you can use for better searching.
+title:animals +created:[2020-10-01 TO 2020-10-31]
Find bingo cards with "animals" in the title, that were created during October, 2020
corpus:"milton friedman" -economics
Find bingo cards with a word or clue containing the exact phrase "milton friedman", but nothing in the BingoBaker mentions "economics".
corpus:(milton friedman) +created:[2020-01-01 TO *]
Find bingo cards with "milton" or "friedman" in any word/clue (with a preference for bingo cards containing both terms) that were created after the beginning of 2020.
"milton friedman"
Find bingo cards containing the exact phrase "Milton Friedman".
milton friedman +items:[50 TO *]
Find bingo cards containing the words milton or friedman (with a preference for bingo cards containing both terms) that have 50 or more words/images.
You are probably used to using boolean operators like AND, OR and NOT for doing searches. BingoBaker uses different operators + (MUST) and - (MUST NOT). A space is implicit for the SHOULD operator.
sin cos tan
At least one of those terms must be in the card, with a preference for bingo cards that include more matching terms. These terms are implicitly joined with a space (which is the SHOULD operator).
Milton +Friedman
The term "Friedman" must be in the card somewhere, with a preference for bingo cards that mention "Milton" too.
Economics economy -Friedman
Find bingo cards that mention economics or economy that don't mention "Friedman" at all.
You can also use parentheses for grouping.
Economics economy -(Friedman Hayek)
Find bingo cards that mention economics or economy that don't mention "Friedman" nor "Hayek" at all.
title:(american history) searches for bingo cards that have "american" or "history" in the title. The parentheses are required if you enter multiple words. Without parentheses, title:american history would find bingo cards with "american" in the title, or "history" anywhere within the card.
corpus:"como se llama" finds bingo cards with that exact phrase in any of the words/clues (the corpus field encompasses every word/clue).
created:[2020-10-31 TO *] finds bingo cards created on or after Halloween 2020.
created:{2020-10-31 TO 2020-12-31] finds bingo cards created after Halloween 2020, but before the new year (use {} for exclusive ranges, and [] for inclusive ranges).
words:[50 TO 100] finds bingo cards with 50 to 100 words (inclusive).
images:[5 TO *] finds bingo cards with 5 or more images.
items:[75 TO *] finds bingo cards with 75 or more words or images.
clues:[25 TO *] finds bingo cards with 25 or more clues.
Note: The free space does not count towards the words/images/items/clues count.