This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: has said “i’m baby”, thinks leah is the best person, resonates with chart sign over sun sign, has a good following on tik tok, tap will always be life, had a crush on kiera knightly, fallen asleep by 10:30pm, watched portrait of a lady on fire, only child, spent 2 many hours on sims, met s/o on tik tok, cat whisperer, mommy issues, i <3 truly, isn’t as funny as their s/o, has a shitty ex 🤢, a whore 4 books, does a yolo to pass time, night routine is essential, switch type beat, changed majors, RA equals identity, gay gay gay and pot pie + tiny cream soda obsessed.
Toon Bingo | Love Letters Bingo | Social Bingo | Horse girls United bingo | Phi Mu!
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