I worked onesummer in apotatowarehouse________I like toheli-ski_________I drove a former milktruck full of scienceexhibits aroundVermont and NewHampshire, to bringhands-on science tochildren and families inrural areas________kayaked at nightto see bio-luminescence inLaguna Grande,Purto Rico________I once was put up ona retired cruise shipon the Volga River inKiev that playedeuropop starting at 6am________I helped ghost-writea novel (although thepersoncommissioning thework died before itwas completed)________craziest UI I everused in a job -- IBM'stoll computerterminal for PATurnpike -- summerjob in 80s collectingtolls________My Wife, Son andI are all native SanFranciscans; InFact my Son is 6thgeneration________I used to workat the Harvard-SmithsonianCenter forAstrophysics________I used to havea pet tree frognamedMagnolia________I've slept inthe Tijuanabus station________I have lived in theTenderloin for 12years and am lessthen a block awayfrom the TenderloinNational Forest________I've ridden anelephantoutside ofthe zoo________I have donesailboat deliveryup and down theWest Coast andone trip to Hawaii________I used to be atutor for children. Itaught English inRussia, andRussian in US________I've gone scubadiving in Monterey,Vietnam, Belize,Honduras, thePhilippines, andHawaii________I was once foundmyself in a high-speed car chaseto retrive a stolenpurse________Was agreaser ata cannery________Went sledingdown theGreat Wall ofChina________I didn't learnto drive a caruntil I was 24years old________Went camelcampingthrough theRajasthanDesert in India________I've bikedfrom SF toSan Joseand back________I can name everypresident of theUnited States, inchronologicalorder________I met Judy Blumewhile rollerskatingat a roller rinkwhen I lived inSanta Fe, NewMexico________I worked onesummer in apotatowarehouse________I like toheli-ski_________I drove a former milktruck full of scienceexhibits aroundVermont and NewHampshire, to bringhands-on science tochildren and families inrural areas________kayaked at nightto see bio-luminescence inLaguna Grande,Purto Rico________I once was put up ona retired cruise shipon the Volga River inKiev that playedeuropop starting at 6am________I helped ghost-writea novel (although thepersoncommissioning thework died before itwas completed)________craziest UI I everused in a job -- IBM'stoll computerterminal for PATurnpike -- summerjob in 80s collectingtolls________My Wife, Son andI are all native SanFranciscans; InFact my Son is 6thgeneration________I used to workat the Harvard-SmithsonianCenter forAstrophysics________I used to havea pet tree frognamedMagnolia________I've slept inthe Tijuanabus station________I have lived in theTenderloin for 12years and am lessthen a block awayfrom the TenderloinNational Forest________I've ridden anelephantoutside ofthe zoo________I have donesailboat deliveryup and down theWest Coast andone trip to Hawaii________I used to be atutor for children. Itaught English inRussia, andRussian in US________I've gone scubadiving in Monterey,Vietnam, Belize,Honduras, thePhilippines, andHawaii________I was once foundmyself in a high-speed car chaseto retrive a stolenpurse________Was agreaser ata cannery________Went sledingdown theGreat Wall ofChina________I didn't learnto drive a caruntil I was 24years old________Went camelcampingthrough theRajasthanDesert in India________I've bikedfrom SF toSan Joseand back________I can name everypresident of theUnited States, inchronologicalorder________I met Judy Blumewhile rollerskatingat a roller rinkwhen I lived inSanta Fe, NewMexico________

All-Staff Meeting 3 - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. I worked one summer in a potato warehouse ________
  2. I like to heli-ski _________
  3. I drove a former milk truck full of science exhibits around Vermont and New Hampshire, to bring hands-on science to children and families in rural areas ________
  4. kayaked at night to see bio- luminescence in Laguna Grande, Purto Rico ________
  5. I once was put up on a retired cruise ship on the Volga River in Kiev that played europop starting at 6 am ________
  6. I helped ghost-write a novel (although the person commissioning the work died before it was completed) ________
  7. craziest UI I ever used in a job -- IBM's toll computer terminal for PA Turnpike -- summer job in 80s collecting tolls ________
  8. My Wife, Son and I are all native San Franciscans; In Fact my Son is 6th generation ________
  9. I used to work at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics ________
  10. I used to have a pet tree frog named Magnolia ________
  11. I've slept in the Tijuana bus station ________
  12. I have lived in the Tenderloin for 12 years and am less then a block away from the Tenderloin National Forest ________
  13. I've ridden an elephant outside of the zoo ________
  14. I have done sailboat delivery up and down the West Coast and one trip to Hawaii ________
  15. I used to be a tutor for children. I taught English in Russia, and Russian in US ________
  16. I've gone scuba diving in Monterey, Vietnam, Belize, Honduras, the Philippines, and Hawaii ________
  17. I was once found myself in a high-speed car chase to retrive a stolen purse ________
  18. Was a greaser at a cannery ________
  19. Went sleding down the Great Wall of China ________
  20. I didn't learn to drive a car until I was 24 years old ________
  21. Went camel camping through the Rajasthan Desert in India ________
  22. I've biked from SF to San Jose and back ________
  23. I can name every president of the United States, in chronological order ________
  24. I met Judy Blume while rollerskating at a roller rink when I lived in Santa Fe, New Mexico ________