This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: Wearing Brown shoes, 14 years worked at CPS, Attend first service at AFC, Name Books of law in the Bible, Attend CE Friday Morning Prayer 5:30, Name 10 commandments in order, I have taught for 30 or more years, I use HBLT method when I teach, attend second service, I work in two or more ministries, I have children & grands they are, Quote favorite scripture, Born same month as Bishop, I am not from Chicago, I love to read books, I have traveled to the Holy Land, our mothers name start with the same letter, I have been married > 40 years, Attend all 3 service at AFC, I am a runner and love it., phone area code is 773, I grew up south of Chicago, We love the same type of cake and Quote a scripture that helped during a trial.
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