Stupid Dumpster Fire President Daily Bingo

Stupid Dumpster Fire President Daily Bingo Card

This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: Slams the media, Brings up the election, Says or tweets the word "disaster", Criticizes Obama, Says or tweets the words "clean coal", Publicly admires a dictator, Claims nobody cares about his taxes, Criticizes the Democrats, Ends a tweet with "BAD!", Tweets between 3-6am, Says or tweets the word "mess", Ends a tweet with ...., Tweets a Fox News link, Blatantly lies, Says or tweets "Make America Great Again", Says or tweets the words "fake media", Uses parentheses wrong, Tweets a word in all caps., Says or tweets the word "tremendous", Criticizes the judicial branch, Signs an executive order, Ends a tweet with "SAD!", Flies to Mar-A-Lago and Criticizes Hillary.

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