This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: Beyond Good & Evil shown, full reveal at Nintendo Direct, Mario & Rabbids reveal, full reveal at Nintendo Direct, Just Dance 2018 no ones surprise, Assassins Creed Empire announced, will be biggest AC game to date with 3 regions, and take place during 2 different time periods, along with a modern setting, New Space IP announced, New "Grow" game announced, New UbiArt game announced, Aisha Tylor does something embarrassing either to herself or someone in the audiance, Archer game announced, New Tom Clancy IP Announced, The Crew 2 shown off, much closer to a Burnout style game now, Splinter Cell teased for next years E3, Red Steel 3 surprise announcement for Switch, HD remakes of 1 & 2 released that day., The Division 2 announced., A new Driver announced, New Rayman project announced, Timed exclusive for Switch, WatchDogs 2 to get some kind of massive update for free., For Honor update revealed, mostly stats and charts, Far Cry 5 gameplay demo, Blood Dragon 2 bundled in as pre order bonus, A game based off a 20 year old Japanese IP (Bebop?), At least one "Destiny" style game announced, At least one "Overwatch" style game announced, New Trials game announced and New IP shown at the end of the show.
switch april direct | Nintendo Direct: Unrealistic Expectations II | Kobi's Nintendo Direct Bingo Card | NINTENDO DIRECT E3 2021 | Jack's E3 Bingo
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