Bracero Program

Bracero Program Bingo Card

This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: labor shortage in the U.S during WWII, worked for 18 months, controlled by Department of Labor, began in 1942, ended in 1964, Public Law 283= felony to hire "wetbacks", Braceros paid on average 50 cents/hour, U.S. farm workers against program, influenced united farm workers movement, Braceros used as strikebreakers, Public Law 78= government control of braceros, H-2a visa established after the program ended, 3.5 million contracts signed between 1951-1964, increased legal immigration, Braceros earned $205 million from 1943-1947, Growers controlled wages from 1948-1951, Growers falsified info to earn more money, Braceros end labor shortage, bilateral agreement between U.S. and Mexico, Korean War expands the program, increased Mexico's economic development, JFK's opposition decreased support for the program, program strengthened U.S-Mexican relations and World War II=Direct cause.

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