This bingo card has a free space and 49 words: The President, The President, John Boehner, 18 and older, between the ages of 18 and 26, vote and write to a newspaper, people from Africa, Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton, U.S. Diplomat, New York Harbor, World War I, The Bill of Rights, speech, 27, The Senate and The House of Representatives, 6, 435, 2, because they have more people, vote, one star for each state, Japan Germany Italy, Communism, The Star-Spangled Banner, The President, George Washington, freed the slaves, fought for women's rights, Woodrow Wilson, World War II, fought for civil rights, Sioux, The Civil Rights Movement, announced our independence from Great Britain, life and liberty, you can practice a religion or not practice a religion, market economy, everyone must follow the law, 4 years, November, advises the President, reviews the laws and explains the laws, The Supreme Court, to print money, to give a driver's license, Saint Paul, Democratic and Republican and Democratic Party.
⚠ This card has duplicate items: The President (3)
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