Cole Jackson NYC Trip Bingo

Cole Jackson NYC Trip Bingo Card

This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: Introduces himself as "Applause Award Nominee...", Acts offended at being considered a "supporting" actor, Asks if Max should be considered a major or minor character in SOM, Sings "How Can Love Survive", Complains that "No Way to Stop It Got Cut", Leaves a trail of crumbs in his wake, Asks to eat someone else's food, Buys food but forgets to eat it, Tells people that he's Jewish, Says "Shalom" enthusiastically, Claps excitedly, Tries to get people to join "Jew Crew", Randomly bursts into "Magic to Do", Sings "Good News", Dream-casts himself into every show seen, Imitates Harry, Gets into a fight with Harry, Misses getting on the subway, Asks Dove for a hug, Asks Emilie for a hug, Asks Juliana for a hug, Complains about walking more than 1 block, Talks about staying in the "captain's quarters" and Acts really angry about something he sees online.

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