This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: This person is known as the leader of the CRM, Rosa Parks, This person is known for not giving up her seat, Prejudice, Name one contribution of African Americans, Jacob Lawrence, He is a famous artist from New York, To be treated as equals, Harriet Tubman, I helped bring others to freedom, Discrimintation, Name 1 event that happened in the CRM, The practice of treating people unfairly, People stopped riding buses b/c of her, Ruby Bridges, This girl was the first to integrate schools, He is a famous poet from Harlem, Segregation, Plantation, Name one contribution of African Americans, The belief that some races are better, Equality, Slave and Martin Luther King Jr..
⚠ This card has duplicate items: Name one contribution of African Americans (2)
African American History | HISPANIC HERITAGE MONTH BINGO | Star Trek Bingo | Highlights of Marin County | Pasive Reporting Verbs Bingo
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