This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: I skip meals sometimes, I went to Busch Gardens, I've baked cookies here, I still watch PBS, I am broke, I am a member of Wind Ensemble, I go to Swem at least twice/wk, I've been on Lake Matoaka, My family came over Family Weekend, I am a member of pep band, I have pets here/ at home, I voted in the SA elections, I've had a cockroach in my room, I sing here at WM, I don't do my laundry every 7 days, I watch Sherlock, I work out at the REC, I can play piano, I wen tot Homebrew, I've gone on a Wawa run after midnight, I love my floormates, I am a member of orchestra, I've used Flex/ Dining dollars and I eat at Caf at least once/wk.
Vondracek Family Bingo | New Hope Bingo | APS Bingo | FI Icebreaker | Human Bingo
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