This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: Sell out of a type of cookie, Rain or snow during a booth, Have a police officer buy cookies, Signs blown away by wind, An ex GS bought cookies, Current GS bought cookies, Already bought initial orders but wants more, 1 booth every week of sales, Bought a full case of 1 type, Paid with a $50 or $100 bill, Bought you a box, Indoor booth, Outdoor booth, Used the app, Full day booth, Booth when it's dark, Pay it forward, Donated a box, Payed with all coins, Council staff at your booth, Asked about ABC cookies (lemonades, thanks-a-lot), Mispronounce a cookie name, Staff from booth site buys cookies and Donated money but didn't buy cookies.
Cookie Booth Bingo | COOKIE BOOTH BINGO | Booth Bingo 2025 | COOKIE BOOTH BINGO | cookie bingo
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