This bingo card has a free space and 29 words: Echo Dot 6 month sale, Transfer to customer service, one time payment, sold 5 select packages, Send Invoice, Radio sell, Credit card payment, Made total of 10 sales, transfer to saves department, Tip of the day, Update email address, activate a second radio, GCR at least 58%, Family discount, account consolidation, Help co worker, sell 5 All access packages, only took a 15 minute break, First sale of the day, Echo Dot 12 month sell, Wearing a blue shirt, Have on Sirius XM Swag, Debit card payment, Checked RNET, Logged in on time, used rebuttal 3 times, Set up a 2 year package, update customer's address and ACW is at or under goal.
SALES BINGO ROUND 2! | Leigh's Bingo | Team Wise Bingo Take 2 | Windsor #41 Stylist | Special Event Bingo
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