FL Bingo

FL Bingo Card

This bingo card has 24 words: Free!, Set SA up in an interaction that results in a demo, Set SA up directly with a demo, Pop a product into a demo you’ve orchestrated, Pop a product into a demo initiated by the SA, Pass off 5 customers in a row, Set up 5 SAs in a row directly with demos, Set up 5 interactions that result in demos, Set up an SA in a haircare demo, Set up a Loud & Proud, Set up a skincare demo, Set up a multi-section demo, Set up a gift consultation, Set up a group demo, Set up a massage bar demo, Targeted samples to 5 customers in a row, Notify all staff that you’ve begun floor leading, Thorough pass-off to next FL, Create a contest for your segment, Check in with all staff at least twice an hour regarding their bingo cards, Make 1 small twist to bingo during your segment (contest, small rule change, etc.), Motivate SeSAs to participate in bingo (give them an extra hand, extra explanation, walk them through a demo, etc.), Mention Chatter to customers when you’ve observed a successful interaction and Encourage SAs to mention Chatter to all customers.

More like this:

SA and SeSA Bingo | Floor Leader Bingo | Oakridge Bingo | ZT BINGO | Labor Day BINGO!

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Call List


With players vying for a you'll have to call about __ items before someone wins. There's a __% chance that a lucky player would win after calling __ items.

Tip: If you want your game to last longer (on average), add more unique words/images to it.