
Citizenship Bingo Card

This bingo card has 70 words: Life, Liberty, President, Constitution, 27, We the People, 6 years, 18, Bill of Rights, Mike Pence, Nine (9), the Supreme Court, the Senate and the House of Representatives, Free!, Congress, July 4, Rule of Law, 100, Abrahm Lincoln, Speech, Slavery, Trump, A change, Print Money, 435, We the people, Vote, July 4, 1776, John Roberts, Washington DC, Great Britian, Susan B. Anthony, Franklin Roosevelt, Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, Woodrow Wilson, Africa, World War II, Congress, President Cabinet, Supreme Court, Provide Schooling, Print Money, North and South, Advises the President, Colonies, obey the laws, Vote, Mike Pence, obey the laws, 18, July 4, 6 years, Washington DC, checks and balances, Woodrow Wilson, a change, the Constitution, John Roberts, Executive Branch, to vote, War between the North and South, Germany Italy Japan, One for each colony, 27, Life and liberty, the Native Americans, Donald Trump, Senate and House of Representatives, Abraham Lincoln and Franklin Roosevelt.

⚠ This card has duplicate items: 27 (2), 6 years (2), 18 (2), Mike Pence (2), Congress (2), July 4 (2), Print Money (2), Vote (2), John Roberts (2), Washington DC (2), Franklin Roosevelt (2), Woodrow Wilson (2), obey the laws (2)

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Citizenship | Citizenship | Citizenship | Citizenship | United States

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