This bingo card has a free space and 44 words: Pale yellow, Mountain sunlight, Sinful, Ripe, Rich textures, Easy to drink, Juicy peaches, Fine-grained tannins, Spice, Black cherry, Elegant texture, Zesty mandarins, Red soil, Smooth, Sun drenched, Sweet raspberries, Semi-dry, Dark cherry, Mocha, White flowers, Greenish highlights, Bold, Spicy food, Roaring fire, Jasmine, Delicious acidity, Blackberry, Full-flavored, Vegetables, Perfect sun exposure, Raspberry jam, Dark chocolate, Molten lava cake, Toasted french bread, melted Stilton cheese, Vibrant, Licorice, Red berries, Passion fruit, Orange blossom, Citrus, Juicy, Steak and Grilled meats.
Paydirt Zinfandel | WINE-O | Abrasado Malbec | POOL BOY GAMAY | Ziera983
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