This bingo card has a free space and 39 words: An Aunt, On a diet, Non-smoker, Left handed, Know the words to "Deep in the Heart of Texas, Ate in ethnic restaurant in past week, Catholic, Member of club, Has stayed/lived on a farm, Is an only child, Is/has been a vegetarian, Has 3 or more siblings, Has played a sport in last 6 months, Person close to you passed away in last 6 months, Has lived in more than 2 states, Has visited/lived in another country, Has a job, Born in Texas, Knows what Cinco de Mayo is, Has worked at a place requiring uniforms, Speaks more than one language, An Uncle, Has relatives living in another country, Is an only child, is in a relationship, Oldest in the family, Is the baby of the family, Has ever babysat, Knows how to cook an ethnic dish, Has more than 2 pets, Has straight hair, Has curly hair, Watches TV sports, Binge watches, Has lived in a big city, Likes seafood, Attends church/temple regularly, Is an artist and Has been to a museum.
⚠ This card has duplicate items: Is an only child (2)
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With players vying for a you'll have to call about __ items before someone wins. There's a __% chance that a lucky player would win after calling __ items.
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