Penultimate Cafe Bingo

Penultimate Cafe Bingo Card

This bingo card has a free space and 46 words: Jeremy says penultimate 1 time, Jeremy says penultimate 2 times, Jeremy says penultimate 3 times, Jeremy says penultimate 4 times, Jeremy says penultimate 5 times, Jeremy says penultimate 6 times, Jeremy brags about penultimate, Someone else says penultimate, Jeremy says "along the way", Jeremy says "Connecting Faith and Life", Jeremy references U2, Jeremy gives Jack a look after referencing U2, Jeremy doesn't eat anything on his plate, Jeremy says "30 more seconds", Savannah complains about Sudoku difficulty, Mugshot has no face, Stephanie says "my friend mugshot", Jeremy gives the talk, Jeremy turns the speaker when he sits down, You don't understand a GoT reference, You understand a GoT reference, Jeremy says "second to last", Jeremy takes a response from the crowd, Jeremy references his nephews, Jeremy quotes a famous person not in the Bible, Jeremy says "Globalscope", Jeremy references a Greek word, Shoeman hurries up creative spotlight, Max gives you sass, Someone steals food from your table, You finish a non-easy sudoku, You see someone steal food from an empty table, Jeremy tells a story about traveling abroad, You hear the name "Danerys", Someone asks, "Who's Jon Snow?", Someone complains about GoT, Worship song is played during opening set, You hear someone singing off key, You meet someone new, Abigail gives you a hug, Someone mentions The White Walkers, You have a test this week and really shouldn't be here, Chris Acuff brings his sword, Someone can't pronounce a name from GoT, Jeremy says penultimate for a holiest 7th time and A random 2nd free space.

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