This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: Grandpa Harold falls asleep, Fight between siblings, Grandma Minja eats gefilta fish, Bubby/Fran Gdanski- eats anything, Zaidy/Sam Gdanski finishes two complete cups of wine, Dad/uncle Ethan Asks Melisa to do something., Mom/Aunt Melisa gives a dvar torah, Dad/Uncle Zalman-leads a song, Mom/Aunt Rebecca reminds us to put a piece down during the game, Avigayil participates 3 times (either asks questions or provides reasonable responses), Atara participates 3 times (either asks questions or provides reasonable responses), Dena says ma- nishtana in Yiddish, Yechil provides one answer to a question and brings in the soda., Yakira asks one question and provides one answer to question asked, Nava asks one question, provides one answer, and knowns what we are up to when asked, Dalya asks one question and provides one answer to question asked, Tziona asks one question and/ or answers a question and sings one song the loudest (your specialty from last year would be particularly appreciated, Moshe asks one question and provides one answer and tells us during the meal about the superbowl, Bentzion asks one question or answers one question and tells everyone one thing about Silver Spring, Mimi says at least two jokes (don’t have to be funny), Afikoman is taken by someone under age 20, First spill, Someone introduces a new tune and Either the topic of Bnai Yeshurun, politics, or past sedar comes up.
Baldy Speaking Bingo | Price/ Powell Thanksgiving | Christmas Eve/Day Bingo | Thanksgiving 2022 Bingo | bobe bday zoom bingo 2024
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With players vying for a you'll have to call about __ items before someone wins. There's a __% chance that a lucky player would win after calling __ items.
Tip: If you want your game to last longer (on average), add more unique words/images to it.