This bingo card has a free space and 48 words: Betrayed, Moving to Forever, Demons Rising, Craving Vengeance, Between Venus & Mars, Conned, Missing the Point, XI Force, Crazed Reaconing, Daughter of Darkness, Trust in the Law, Moving to Desire, Unforeseen Obsessions, Captives of the Kratzen, Vow of Trust, Moving to Hope, Heavenly War, Taken by Surprize, A Requiem for Poisidon, Shattered Trust, Moving to You, Rolling Thunder, Frozen- A Winter Romance, Pirates of the Dark Nebula, Dare to Trust, Missing Desire, Love on the Door County Penninsula, Cookies for Santa, There’s No Such Thing as Werewolves, Taken by Design, Securing Kiera’s Love, Bounty Hunters, Family Forever, The Blarmling Dilemma, Kidnapped, Moving to Love, Italy Intrigue Series, Plan Interrupted, Z-Bot, Designing Samantha’s Love, Colorado Trust Series, Covert Exposure, Son of Thunder, Ford, Second Chances Series, Missing the Crown Jewels, Phaze and Chandler County Series.
Top 25-48 NPR'S Best-Ever Teen Novels | Banned Books Week Bingo | Nadao Bangkok's series | Thunder Bingo | Banned Book Weeks Bingo
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With players vying for a you'll have to call about __ items before someone wins. There's a __% chance that a lucky player would win after calling __ items.
Tip: If you want your game to last longer (on average), add more unique words/images to it.