This bingo card has 18 words: Ted makes a joke about his speech being short Ted makes a joke about his speech being short, Someone says “hi Chad” when Ted gets up to speak, Ben Kadamus low key bullies a student, Matt Levins does some type of text support, Carly makes a non human noise out of excitement, Judy calls someone “homie”, Jordan Wearing White hat, Bryce’s laugh disrupts your conversation, Free!, Someone complains about not being called first for food, Someone says “Hound yeah”, Someone says "Light the way", Someone asks you to take their picture, Someone asks you to be in a picture, Someone walks in late, Loud "Aww" during slideshow, Brain gets upset at John calling himself "the law" and Someone calls John the law.
ANTHONY'S GETTIN HITCHED | Ted Bingo | DARREN BINGO! | 2025 Mack-isms | Predictable BeeButt Bingo
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