This bingo card has a free space and 57 words: Honked off, Parenting Story, Moving stool across stage, Quotes a Hymn, "Yeah" while clapping, Mentions Weather, Got it, '90's Pop Culture Reference, I didn't hear _______ Campus, Tries to be "hip", Ruminating, Biography he's reading, Grandparenting Story, Insults you, specifically, Plugs specific CCC ministry, "News Magazine", Pausing for laughter that doesn't come, Chicago Sports Team, Health Club, Good, Buds, Sings, Get it, Point #4, Sports analogy, References video before message, If you have your own bible, If you haven't already ______, Unplug from the giver of life, Sue, Those of you joining us online, Crack the binding on a Bible, References his Acronyms, Fufu coffee drink, CPK, Living with significant other (sin), Looking at "stuff" online, Pause and eyebrow raise, Are you kidding me??, Get your outline, Scholar, Assigns homework, Googles something, Context, Computer problems, Flips over to ______, Mispronouncing a word, Uses white board, Call it out, Pick it up at _____, Teachable moment, What does God say about ______, My friend ______, Slow Clap, Prayer Coach, Bible Savvy and Conspicuous Drink from bottle of water.
Pastor Jimgo | Pastor Jimgo | Pastor Jimgo | Pastor Jimgo | Pastor Jimgo
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