This bingo card has a free space and 56 words: Barra Makes a Spooky Noise, Someone Hotmics, Someones CSM Career is Ruined, Someone Jumps to Previous Cyno, A Super is Left Behind, Someone Kicked from Discord, Russian Doesn't Understad Barra, Implant Set Destroyed, Blue Rorqual Tackled While Mining, Comms Spy Found, German Humor is Attempted, Supers Bumped off Gate, Flightleader has a shitty mic, Our Caps are Bubbled, Someone gets 1pt, A Super is Tackled, Move op is Dreadbombed, Misty Mutes Himself, Someone Doesn't Use their Brain, Someone Uses their Brain, Capqu is Triggered, Someone Asks to Catch Up, Capqu Insults Someone, Super Lights a Cyno, A Super Bounces Out of Tether, Someone out of Range of Cyno, Someone Runs out of Fuel, W4r Mans Fort and PDS's, UALX 2.0, A Dread Sieges, A Titan DD's for no Reason, Someone Called "Low Rent", Cyno in Wrong Fleet, Someone Jumps when told not too, Someone Jumps to Cyno Generator, Someone Takes wrong Jumpbridge, Someone dies in G-Q, Someone Kicked from TS, Rust Base Raided. Op Postponed, Worpout told to fix something, Cyno has no Ozone, Neutral in local spooks someone, someone has fatigue, a super dies, one of our systems is entosised, Super is not in staging, a JF Order is left in C-J, Someone Leaves their ships behind, Alliance Disbands, a Nestor left Behind, Someone asks if they have time to pack, E-peen argument about who has the best titan, fleet becomes full, barra asks for max boys, someone asks "where are we moving too" and "when is the next move op".
INGME MOVEOP BINGO | INIT MOVE OP BINGO | Official NC. Delve Invasion 2020 Bingo Card | Official NC. Delve Invasion 2020 Bingo Card | NaCL bingo
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