Nintendo E3

Nintendo E3 Bingo Card

This bingo card has a free space and 25 words: Metroid Prime Trilogy Port, New Switch Hardware, Twilight Princess HD Port, New F-Zero, Animal Crossing Release Date, No FF8 Port, Ori Games for Switch, New Donkey Kong Game, SNES Virtual Console, SMT5 Trailer, Super Mario RPG Remake, Shantae for Smash, Persona 5 Scramble Trailer, Unveils New First Party IP, Pikmin 4, Mother 3, Surprise Indie That's Available Now, Xenoblade Chronicles X Port, Nintendo 64 Mini, FF Tactics for Switch, Kirby Warriors, Pokken 2, New New Super Mario Bros. Swtich, Luigi's Mansion 3 Release Date and Yas.

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