Potluck BINGO

Potluck BINGO Card

This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: Went to school in Charlottesville, Got a leg cramp doing the electric slide at a school dance, Was a Dental Asst for 5 years, Owns a Harley, A descendant of Harriet Tubman, Plans all year for Black Friday, Not a fan of the color Blue, Ran the wrong way while playing flag football, Broke arm while skating, Is not an animal person, Did the "mermaid" while white water rafting, Lived in Germany for 6 years, Buys shoes and never wears them, Named kids to purposely spell out NOEL, First female to work in an all male department, Been to 10 Dave Matthew's Band concerts, Had 4 Yorkies at one time, Took clogging lessons, Has a cat named Church, Was a gymnast in school, Favorite flower = Sunflower, Taking Zumba classes, Is Canadian and Has been to Costa Rica.

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