This bingo card has a free space and 38 words: Mass at MHT last Sunday, Went to Mass today, Sang at Mass last week, Received Precious Body, Recevied Precious Blood, Mass in another language in 2019, Pray with dad, Pray with mom, Pray with grandparent, Been an usher, Said Hail Mary today, Been an altar server, Member of MHT youth group, Gave $ to poor, Said Our Father today, Know my patron saint, Volunteer at school, Volunteer in community, Name Brooklyn's Bishop, Went to confession in 2019, Name two MHT friars, Mass in another country, Went to weekday Mass, Name all seven sacraments, Name all ten commandments, Name 4 Gospels, Said Glory Be today, Went to a wedding in 2019, Went to a funeral in 2019, Went to a funeral in 2019, Name the Pope, Have my own bible, Have crucifix at home, Wearing a cross, Religious statues/pictures at home, Name our Director of Religious Education, Name 4 catechists and Gave food to poor.
⚠ This card has duplicate items: Went to a funeral in 2019 (2)
Church Bingo | Ordinary Time | People Bingo | Westminster Women: Only one woman per box! | SOLACE IDENTITY BINGO
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