This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: Ashleigh Doesn't Save File, Chris says "basically", Wes says "uhhhhmm", JC puts the call on hold, Abby arrives late, AVS misses call for CPEs, Tyler hasn't reviewed the file, Somebody asks for re-forecast, JC isn't paying attention, Formulas have to be re-written, The call runs over time, JC argues on rental increases, Katy bangs head on keyboard, Somebody disagrees with Axio, AM removes marketing items, AVS and JC argue, Sieder hasn't looked at the file, Somebody asks what Perq is, AVE/KM explain deadlines, Abby invites the manager, WebEx ends call after 6 hrs, Internet goes out, Nicole does everything right and Katy hasn't reviewed file.
Bankruptcy Bingo | Avs vs Kraken | Cath Lab Bingo | Ihop | Bridge Call Bingo
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